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We had a goal to launch SpamHero by the end of Spring. Saturday was the last day of Spring, so in honor of our goal, we opened the site for business on Friday for an hour or two, so that we could say we made that goal. Of course, we didn’t tell anyone about the site opening, and so nobody had a chance to try out the service. We got to do a little testing using the live site and then we then shut down the site until today so that we could enjoy Father’s Day weekend without wondering if anyone was poking around on our new site. But, hey, we “launched” in Spring for at least an hour, and therefore made our goal! Is that cheating? 😉
When we set our goal to launch in the Spring, it was late 2008, and we thought we’d have no problem getting this out by Spring. However, since we’re perfectionists, we continually found things that we wanted to get right before we’d even consider a beta launch.
We think we got a lot of things right. SpamHero is a spam filter that both does a good job and doesn’t break the bank. We’ve looked high and low… and of all the spam filters out there, we feel SpamHero is the only one that does a really good job, includes some enterprise level features, and is competitive cost wise.
We’re going to take it easy about spreading the word about our beta launch, and just invite a few people to check it out in the first week. Our official launch will probably be around July 1st. But, if you’re lucky enough to have found us before then, feel free to sign up! The system is completely automated and will get you started right away. Be sure to let us know if you see anything that looks out of place.
To sign up as a beta customer, just click on the Free Trial link and you’ll be good to go. We don’t expect to have a long beta period, and may go into official launch by July 1st. However, for anyone that does sign up during the beta period, we’ll restart your trial period on the official launch day.
We’re excited! We look forward to making your life spam free!
— Curtis O’Reilly
co-founder, SpamHero
P.S. We’ll be sharing our adventures of marketing SpamHero to the masses here in our blog, and hopefully sharing some of our marketing ideas along the way. Stay tuned.